
#36 Your Money Talks: Socially Responsible Investing

Smart Planning 101
Episode ##36 Your Money Talks: Socially Responsible Investing

In this week's episode:

I talk with John Rohrhoff from JR financial services about socially responsible investing, what it is, things to think about, and how to get started. 


John Answers: 

  •  Why do some people wish to have their personal values aligned with their investments? 
  •  What is “socially responsible investing”?
  •  What issues are people contemplating when deciding how and where to invest?
  •  How might someone introduce ESG investing into their own personal investment plan? 
    •  Including how to narrow down what companies are socially responsible, compared to other companies?
  •  What are the possible issues that may come up when introducing ESG investing into a personal investing plan? 
    •  Are there tax consequences when we’re buying and selling investments?
  •  And so much more. 


John R. Rohrhoff is the founder of JR Financial Services, LLC. Before moving to the financial services industry, John studied engineering at The University of Michigan and Business Management at Lawrence Technological University. After graduation, John worked for a short period of time for an international trade consulting company. Wanting a change, and having a desire to help others, he then moved to the financial services industry in 2008. After working for another company, he then founded his own company in 2010.

 Today John works with clients helping them in pursuit of their individual goals and dreams, he does this by taking a long-term, planning-based approach to all their financial matters. All aspects of a client’s life are considered in creating, implementing, and monitoring the plan. His passion is building strong relationships with clients while guiding them in all aspects of their financial world. 

John lives with his wife Katie, and daughters Payton and Morgan. John is very active in life and in the community. He is the President of The Riley Katheryn Foundation, started in 2015 by him and his wife Katie in memory of the twin daughter they lost in 2009. The foundation raises money to help in paying for funeral and burial expenses as well as providing emotional and grief support for families who have lost a child. In his spare time, John enjoys spending time with family and friends and working on his golf game.


Securities offered through Avantax Investment ServicesSM, Member FINRASIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Avantax Advisory ServicesSM, Insurance services offered through an Avantax affiliated Insurance Agency.

About the show

Planning isn’t just about getting your will done or going to see your financial planner once a year. SMART planning involves an educated process that incorporates the latest in legal, financial, and healthcare strategies to work toward the most desirable result – the quality of life, throughout your entire life.

The biggest problem, too often, is that “traditional” notions of what is right to do in both legal and financial estate planning don’t always work in today’s world.

I created SmartPlanning101 to help all of us learn how to be better planners for the future – and stay in control. To learn how and when we need to challenge the “status quo” and “conventional wisdom.” To be in a nutshell- “smart planners.”

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