012 Mom Had Alzheimer's: A Family Story (Part 2) with Steve Frank

The continuation of Steve Frank’s family story of his mother’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis and treatment.

Did you miss part 1? Click here

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Steve continues the story of the emergency move of his mother out of the house to an Alzheimer’s memory care facility;
  • How many Alzheimer’s patients are healthy in body and what the effect of that may mean financially to families;
  • Steve’s experience when his mother insisted on coming living with him instead of remaining at the facility and what he learned was the correct way to cope with this;
  • The challenges of how the effects of anesthesia affect an Alzheimer’s patient;
  • How, despite the intention and promises to never sell their parent’s house, that is what happened and how that ultimately was the right thing for his parents;
  • How, despite his mother’s apparent lack of recognition of most things, she consciously attempted to refuse food;
  • Steve’s feelings on letting go;
  • How long term care insurance played a major role in his family’s experience;
  • How generational feelings, especially relating to what generations see as issues of “pride” can obstruct or change financial decision-making;
  • The pain of breaking promises but how breaking those promises may be the best thing to do;
  • His experience as a member of the “sandwich generation” of moving his mother to a long term care facility at the beginning of the week and his son to his college dorm room at the end of the week;
  • And the biggest lessons to be learned from making hard decisions!